Japan is a regulated market for organic products and alcohol has been out of scope from JAS program certification so far. But, as of 1st October 2022, organic alcohol products will be regulated as organic JAS processed foods which requires JAS certification and JAS labelling, with a three year transition period applicable.
The organic JAS labelling must be compliant according to the regulation of MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) and National Tax Agency of Japan.
Between Australia and Japan, there is an equivalency arrangement for organic plants, processed foods and livestock products between Australian. Unfortunately, organic alcohol is not yet included in the equivalency and this will be negotiated by both governments. NASAA Certified Organic will keep updating you on this.
For any countries other than Australia, the equivalency is not applicable, therefore, entire chains must be JAS certified including ingredients and packing processing. Please note that JAS mark application is compulsory for all JAS certified products either on products, packages, containers or invoice not only for final products sold in Japan but also for any bulk transaction overseas.
Public comments are now open by MAFF about wine additives to be included in JAS Standard for Processed Foods.
Please feel free to contact NCO if you have any questions, or would like us to make any submission on your behalf.