Benefits of becoming a NASAA Certified Organic (NCO) operator

The NASAA Organic spring leaf label is recognised by organic industry buyers and consumers globally. It is the Australian organic mark of trust, integrity and reliability. Gaining licence to use NASAA Organic spring leaf label provides NCO certified operators with significant commercial advantage.

  • Access all domestic markets  – NCO certified organic operators gain entry to the Australian organic market.
  • Global market access – NCO Certification allows entry into all regulated and unregulated organic markets around the world.
  • Organic Certification for all commodities – NCO provides the most comprehensive range of organic certification services in Australia.
  • Competitive fees – NCO offers competitive fees, with profits reinvested back into developing and supporting the organic industry and markets in Australia and overseas.
  • Exceptional service and support – NCO provides a high level of support to all new and existing certified organic operators.
  • The Organic Standard of choice – The NASAA Organic and Biodynamic Standard is the Australian Organic Standard of choice.
  • National leadership – We provide Organic Certification for developing countries and small grower groups.
  • An organic industry leader – Domestically and by all international comparisons, NCO has the largest area of Australian land certified to an organic standard.

Access all domestic markets for all commodities

NCO certified organic operators gain entry to the Australian organic market:

  •  NASAA’s spring leaf label is recognised nationally
  •  NASAA’s label can be used easily on multiple forms of packaging and containers
  • operators can use the NASAA spring leaf label with their operators’ certification number in their promotions and marketing
  • operators have access to our parent company’s (NASAA Organic) market and export activities
  • access to a full suite of online support information
  • industry and consumer education through training, public media, domestic networks, field days and seminars

Global market access

NCO Certification allows entry into all regulated and unregulated organic markets around the world.

We provide organic certification for all export markets:

  • the most comprehensive range of organic certification in Australia
  • readily available certification and inspection support
  • easily accessed export requirement facilities and expert support
  • ability to move in and out of individual importing country certification schemes as needed.

Organic Certification for all commodities

NCO provides certification for a comprehensive range of products and processes:

This includes:

  • fruits and vegetables
  • meat and seafood
  • seeds and grains
  • dairy and baby foods
  • commercially processed foods
  • cleaning and cosmetics
  • allergy sensitive products
  • cosmetic and beauty

Competitive fees

NCO offers competitive fees, with profits reinvested back into developing and supporting the organic industry and markets in Australia and overseas:

  • value-add based competitive pricing that is fair and accessible for all small and larger operations
  • simplified payments
  • capped levies
  • one annual fee for small operators below a maximum threshold
  • annual review of fees
  • flexible payment arrangements during times of financial difficulty
  • contingency provisions during hardship to enable ongoing certification.

Exceptional service and support

NCO provides a high level of support to all new and existing certified organic operators.

  • a national network of accredited and trained organic inspectors
  • a smooth transition to organics through a personalised and responsive support program
  • regular communiqués on technical and regulatory changes
  • an extensive range of factsheets, guidelines, templates and management plans for all types of operations
  • a highly experienced and accessible team for large and small operators
  • access to the organic inputs database search and assistance
  • a high level of technical expertise regarding Organic Standards
  • up-to-date and relevant information on all facets of certification
  • continual improvements to streamline processes and provide fast, comprehensive services
  • a friendly team available to answer your questions over the phone or via email
  • fair hearings and quick turnaround for derogation requests, within organic principles.

The Organic Standard of choice

The NASAA Organic and Biodynamic Standard is the Australian Organic Standard of choice:

  • widely recognised as the industry leader
  • sets a benchmark of integrity for other organic standards in Australia and overseas
  • sets your product and processes apart reflecting your high commitment to the principles of organic farming and food production.

National leadership

We provide Organic Certification for developing countries and small grower groups.

Comprising over 12,500 small operators and food producers located outside of Australia, NCO is the only Australian certifier with an extensive operation overseas, certifying production and processing operations in:

  • Nepal
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Samoa,
  • Malaysia
  • Brazil
  • Solomon Islands
  • Sri Lanka
  • China.

Organic industry leader

Domestically and by all international comparisons, NCO has the largest area of Australian land certified to an organic standard.

  • NCO-certified land under organic management now exceeds 20 million hectares
  • Two-thirds of Australia’s total land certified to organic standards is certified by NCO.
  • There are over 1,350 operations licensed to use the NASAA spring label in Australia and located in every state and territory.